Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dan and I went back to Central City for Thanksgiving. Good time! Played some pitch with my Grandpa, it has been a while but I picked it back up and Grandpa and I won 2 of 3 games, Yeah! Mom made an excellent meal, we were soooo stuffed.

Mom, Dad and I braved the Blackfriday crowds for shopping. We got to Grand Island about 5:30 am. Mom missed a couple of the things she wanted but I got some pretty good deals. Mom and Dad got us a crib for the Baby for Christmas! Thanks so much! I also picked up the dresser/changer that matches, definitely a deal at Kmart!

We saw Alan (Dan's brother), Rachel and the Kids on Saturday. That was a nice visit, hadn't seen them since they moved to Oklahoma.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Had an ultrasound today. It's a Boy! Estimated weight of the baby is 1 pound 3 ounces, normal for 22 weeks. Heart rate still at 158. First questions out of everyone's mouth now is do we have a name picked out yet? Nope we will work on it and keep you posted.
We've posted some pics: (Play "Name that body part" below):

I see the baby's bum, leg and foot!

I see the baby's Arm and Fist!

And this is how we know it's a boy! The arrow points to where to look.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Busy Weekend

Hi everyone. We had a busy weekend. My friend Julie gave us 4 football tickets to the Kansas vs Huskers game. Dan took my nephew Blaine and two cousins Jared and Jordan to the game. They had a blast! Huskers won too which is good. Mom brought Nevaeh up so we played during the day.

Emily and Kaitlin came over about one that day and stayed the night. We had a fun day!