Thursday, March 26, 2009

Things are going pretty good.

Dan went back to work this week and so we needed to get used to a little different schedule, it is going pretty good.
I had a doctors appointment to check my blood pressure it was still high so they wanted me to buy a blood pressure cuff to check it at home for a while. It is better at home and therefore don't need to take any meds right now, still need to monitor it.
Tyson is sleeping pretty good 2 1/2 hours at night at a time. He is eating like crazy, where most feedings he will consume 3 oz bottles, sometimes he needs a little more to put him over the edge.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bath Time

We had our first bath at home. Tyson loves to have his hair washed, the rest of the body is another thing.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We are home.

We had lots of visitors at the hospital. Thanks to everyone stopping by with well wishes and for all the lovely things.

We were released from the hospital on Monday March 16th. Here is a picture of Tyson's first car ride.
We made it through the night, a little sleep deprived due to the cluster feedings that he likes at night but we did make it through, the second night was a little better because we knew what to expect. Here he is sleeping in the bassinet that I used as a baby.

First doctors appointment was today. He is back up and beyond his birth weight. 8 lb 5 oz. No worries of jaundice, he is a pink little one.

Had to include this picture it is so cute. Look at those cheeks and the hat is adorable.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Welcome Tyson Daniel Brokenicky!

Introducing Tyson Daniel Brokenicky. Weighing in at 8 lb 4 oz and 21 inches long. Born March 13th, 2009 6:12 pm.

Contractions started to get regular on Thursday and Friday morning they got closer together. They say to come in when they are 4-5 minutes apart. The nurses hooked me up to the monitors and my blood pressure was through the roof. 180 something over 90 something! Way too high. They monitored me for a while, took blood work, I am not an easy stick and have lots of bruises to prove it. Well because my blood pressure was so high (they called it gestational hypertension) I had a C-section. Best thing to happen, my body and the baby were just ready to deliver and here he is our beautiful baby boy.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

38 weeks and counting

Had another Dr. appointment today. Had an ultrasound to see how our baby boy is. He measured 7 lb 10 oz give or take half a pound. I'm dialated to 2 cm, which doesn't really mean anything could go into labor today or 2 weeks from now, no one can say for sure. Got a cute picture of his foot that I've attached.

I went and got a pedicure with Becky, Amy and Brandee today. I have a green shamrock for luck painted on my toes. Plus if I deliver on St. Patrick's day I will be wearing something green so no one can pinch me. It was relaxing, sitting in the massage chairs.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Dan and I are working on a couple projects just wanted to share the progress.

Dan painting the design on the wall of the Baby's room.

I put this design on the kitchen wall today.

Friday, March 6, 2009

37 weeks

Well we have reached the magical 37th week where they say the baby is full term. I had a Dr. appointment on Wed. of this week. Got into the exam room and got a text from Dan saying his Dr. was sending him to the ER to check for appendicitis, needless to say I wanted to get through my appointment so that I could meet him there. My doctor said I was having a contraction my response "Really? I don't feel anything". I've been assured that I will definitely be able to feel them when they get stronger and nearer to delivery. Baby's heartbeat was 144 and everything is going good. My ankles are usually non-existent by the time I get home from work because they swell with fluid during the day. I'm supposed to have another ultrasound next Tuesday to see how big our baby boy will be. I will also get measured to make sure I can deliver him or if I need to have a C-section. Will keep you posted.

Back to Dan. We found out it is a viral infection and not appendicitis, thank goodness although he has been home and not feeling well at all. Just starting to feel a little better able to get some food down today.