Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dan and I went back to Central City for Thanksgiving. Good time! Played some pitch with my Grandpa, it has been a while but I picked it back up and Grandpa and I won 2 of 3 games, Yeah! Mom made an excellent meal, we were soooo stuffed.

Mom, Dad and I braved the Blackfriday crowds for shopping. We got to Grand Island about 5:30 am. Mom missed a couple of the things she wanted but I got some pretty good deals. Mom and Dad got us a crib for the Baby for Christmas! Thanks so much! I also picked up the dresser/changer that matches, definitely a deal at Kmart!

We saw Alan (Dan's brother), Rachel and the Kids on Saturday. That was a nice visit, hadn't seen them since they moved to Oklahoma.

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