Tuesday, January 20, 2009

31 weeks

We started kick counts, and things were going good lots of movement. Then Monday kick counts slowed down, I still had the required number but they were slower. I had a dr. appt scheduled already on Tuesday and we did an ultrasound. Everything is okay, the baby has just flipped back into the breech position so not feeling as much movement. We got yet another ultrasound that I have attached. In this one you can see that the baby has hair, the little spikes on top of his head. Both Dan and I had full heads of hair when we were born and with all the heartburn I have been having I'm expecting a full head of hair on our baby's head.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

30 weeks

We had our 30 week appointment today with the specialist. Baby is in the 95 percentile now coming in about 4.7 lb so far. Heartbeat is strong at 165 bpm. Everything is looking good. Baby is now in the head down position, thank goodness. He is definitely moving and kicking, being a little wiggle worm. We got a couple of 3D pictures taken that I have attached. I also attached a couple pictures of Dan and I when we were about 1.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Baby's Crib

Mom and Dad came down yesterday and helped put the crib together. Thanks so much, loved having you come down and help. They also went to my 28 week appointment with me and got to hear the baby's heartbeat, 158 bpm. Everything is going smoothly.